American Legion Post 170 - Supporting Veterans in Wadsworth
We are Veterans of all Branches of the U.S. Military. Our canteen is a pleasant warm space where gentlemen and lady members enjoy some laughs and each other’s company. We host an annual members picnic in the early fall. And let’s not forget that the American Legion Post 170 makes substantial contributions to local charities every year through the generosity of its members.
“But I don’t have the time.” to join. We understand. You have young families and a myriad of other work demands. But get to know us; we’d love to get to know you. Unlike many of us veterans from an earlier time who never got an invitation to join a local Legion Post…THIS IS YOUR INVITATION.
We hope this website indicates our desire to move our Post forward into this electronic age making us more accessible to those who follow in our footsteps. Help expand our content and usefulness to you. We welcome your input as we make our club more family oriented and versatile.
Above all, the primary American Legion Post 170 mission is to HONOR and SERVE VETERANS. Come join us!